Thursday, August 19, 2010

Lunch with Channing

We've eaten sandwiches for lunch all week, and being a little tired of them, I thought we'd run out for something quick.  So I ask Channing, who is five, where she wants to eat lunch and she immediately responds with Jack in the Box.

“What do you want from there?” I ask her.

“Fried cheese. With ranch.”

I see it as my parental duty to forestall the clogging of her arteries until she is at least ten.   “You can’t have fried cheese for lunch, you’ll need to pick something else.”

“Can we go to Sonic?” she asks, referring to the drive-in style fast food joint.

“Okay, what do you want at Sonic.”

“Cheese sticks. With ranch. And french  fries.”

I sprained my eyes in the ensuing eyeball roll.  I don't think her arteries are going to make it to ten.

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