Thursday, August 12, 2010

To start with...

I'd like to be able to say that I will post reliably and regularly about things that matter.  I'd like to, but I can't.  I am neither reliable, nor regular (in writing, that is), and I can't imagine that eveything I post will matter to anyone but me.  I can tell you this, though:  I won't bore you with what I had for dinner last night, unless it is material to the topic discussed, or what I wore, or drop names, or tell you every last detail of my existance.  I don't want that much information about me out  in the world anyway. 

My intent is to bore you with things that are either burning inside my brain, or that I thing are just too much fun not to share.

As for the title of the blog, it is almost random.  I tried several different titles, but most of them were already taken, although not necessarily used.  I like shadows, and clouds, and airplanes, amongst other things.  I like to look up at the sky; I am utterly facinated by the never-ending movements and illusions of clouds.  I like to look down and see the same movements and illusions echoed on the ground. And I like to fly.  But this blog isn't about those things.  Okay, sometimes it is.

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